

The CNCA brings together Canadian civil society working to end corporate abuse in the global operations and supply chains of Canadian companies.

We represent Canadians who are concerned about the environmental and human rights impacts of Canadian corporate activity overseas.

We support communities, workers, Indigenous peoples, and environmental and human rights defenders around the world by advocating for policy and law reform to hold Canadian companies accountable.

What We Do


Produce research and policy options that decision-makers can use.


Provide information to governments, companies, the media and the public.


Advocate for strong federal policies and laws on corporate accountability.


Coordinate action by our member-organizations and allies.

Member Organizations



Aidan Gilchrist-Blackwood
Network Coordinator
CNCA Network Coordinator since 2022, Aidan previously worked as a consultant with MiningWatch Canada and in Montreal’s community sector. He was a member of the McGill Research Collective Investigating Canadian Mining in Latin America (MICLA) while completing his Masters in political science and his BA in political science and history.

Steering Committee

Guillaume Charbonneau
Steelworkers Humanity Fund
The Executive Director of the Steelworkers Humanity Fund, Guillaume has extensive experience building partnerships with grassroots organizations, and connecting struggles between the Global South and Canadian civil society by coordinating educational activities, awareness-raising campaigns and advocacy efforts. He holds a master’s degree in sociology from the Université du Québec à Montréal.
Denis Côté
Denis has been a policy analyst at AQOCI since 2015. He works mainly on issues related to international solidarity, human rights, women's rights, gender equality, and climate change. He also works as a translator in the international cooperation sector, and is the co-owner of a small vegetable farm. [Photo: Jimmy Chicaiza]
Catherine Coumans
MiningWatch Canada
Catherine Coumans has coordinated the Asia-Pacific program at MiningWatch Canada for over 20 years, worked with Indigenous and other communities in over 10 Asian countries and Tanzania, published on mining in over 15 peer-reviewed publications, and testified on mining impacts in Canada, the Philippines, Indonesia, and in an Amici Brief for the US Supreme Court.
Melak Gebresilassie
Amnesty international Canada
Melak is the Corporate Accountability and Climate Justice Campaigner at Amnesty International Canada. Previously a researcher, educator, and facilitator in Ethiopia and Canada, Melak holds a BA in Political Science and an MA in Human Rights from Addis Ababa University, and an MA in International Development from Erasmus University in the Netherlands.
Karen Hamilton
Above Ground
Director of AboveGround, Karen previously headed the Guatemalan office of Project Accompaniment Quebec-Guatemala, worked as a researcher with the Centre d’études sur le droit international et la mondialisation, and led national programming for the Inter-Council Network of provincial and regional councils for international cooperation. She completed a master of laws degree in 2014.
Diana Martin
MiningWatch Canada
Diana has over a decade of experience working in the non-profit sector with human rights organizations. She is one of the co-managers of MiningWatch Canada, leading fundraising, operations and supporting a few projects on corporate accountability in Canada and Latin America. She has a B.A. in Political Science from the University of Ottawa, and a M.A. in Global Studies from Sophia University.
Photo of Nirvana Mujtaba.
Nirvana Mujtaba
Oxfam Canada
Nirvana is the Women’s Rights Policy and Advocacy Specialist at Oxfam Canada. She has over a decade of experience advocating for human rights and gender justice within corporate supply chains and has developed her expertise through working with organizations such as the International Organization for Migration. Nirvana holds a master’s degree in economics from York University.
Jean Symes
Inter Pares
Jean has worked with Inter Pares on projects dedicated to economic justice, tax justice, resource extraction, refugees, peace-building, and preventing violence against women in war, especially in Africa and Latin America. Her background is in finance. She currently Chairs the Canary Research Institute for Mining, Environment and Health.

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