CNCA Response to the CORE’s draft “Risk-assessment of non-review based country visits”

“Our membership has reached the conclusion that we should not use our limited resources to support the functioning of the CORE at present. We do not believe that the CORE, as currently structured, will help impacted communities access remedy when they are harmed by Canadian businesses.”

“We wish to express our ongoing concern that the draft guide fails to integrate some of our recommendations from February 2020 … The guide should explicitly state that any such visits by the CORE will be about protecting and promoting the human rights of affected communities, workers and organizations at risk, not only about minimizing risks to them. This would preclude the CORE from accepting site-visit requests from corporations, especially where there has not been prior consultation with impacted communities and civil society. We remind you that the CORE previously planned a visit without such consultation in 2020.”


Feb092022_CNCA Response to CORE Risk Assessment of Non-Review Based Country Visits

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