Action for Accountability
Many Canadian corporations operating around the world have been linked to human rights abuses including killings, torture, violence against women, and environmental damage.
The Canadian Network on Corporate Accountability campaigns to pass a mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence law, empower Canada’s corporate watchdog, and end Canadian government support for corporate impunity.
Art: Elena Mozhvilo

About the CNCA
Formed in 2005, the Canadian Network on Corporate Accountability (CNCA) unites over 40 human rights, environmental, labour, faith and solidarity groups, collectively representing over 3 million Canadians, to advocate for federal laws and regulations that will ensure Canadian corporations respect human rights and the environment when doing business around the world.
CNCA in Numbers
Pass a Due Diligence Law
A mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence law will hold Canadian companies accountable for their actions around the world.
Empower the C.O.R.E.
Canada’s Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise should have the power to compel witnesses and documents.
Make Canada Accountable
Canada’s financial, political and diplomatic support should not go to corporations involved in human rights and environmental abuse.